Don’t Wait To Receive Same-Day Care
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
We will answer some common questions about sick visits.
Defining Sick Child Visits
Q. What is a sick child visit?
A. This is a unique service some pediatric doctors provide when a child is ill. You can call them; they will see the child the same day.
Q. What is the purpose of a sick child visit?
A. The purpose is to keep the parent and child out of the emergency room as much as possible if the illness is not life-threatening.
Q. When should I take my child to the pediatrician for a sick visit, and what does the doctor treat?
A. Fevers lasting more than two days
- A 100.4-degree fever in children under two months
- An ear-bacterial-viral infection
- Swallowing problems
- Nausea-vomiting
- Diarrhea-constipation
- Sinus problems-stuffy nose
- Headache
- Asthma-allergies
- Abdominal pain
- Fractures
- Rash
- Hives
Q. What happens during a sick child visit?
A. Temperature, vital signs, a health history, a physical examination, possible x-ray, blood work, and medications.
Q. How do I care for a sick child at home?
- Get rest
- Reassure
- Avoid added stress
- Stay calm
- For an anxious child, encourage three slow, deep breaths
- Keep usual routine
- Listen, talk to, and play with your child
- Take a break
- Offer plenty of fluids
Q. What treatments and over-the-counter medications are available for a sick child?
- Pain medication
- Special medications for specific conditions
- Anti-inflammatories
- Antivirals
- Antibiotics
- Antihistamines
Q. What are the signs that my child needs immediate care at the emergency room?
- Breathing problems
- Chest pain
- Overly sleepy
- Confusion
- Skin color, nail beds, and lips are blue tint or pale
- Dehydration
- Fever above 100.4 degrees
- Cannot urinate
- Cannot pass a bowel movement
- Refuses to drink liquids